March 21, 2010 9:53 PM | No Comments By some counts, there are about 600,000 Muslim and Arab-Americans living in greater Chicago . Other estimates put the number closer to 250,000. No one knows for sure, which is why Muslim leaders today encouraged their community to participate in the 2010 census, so they can have an official count. "If we keep isolated, no one will know about us," said Yousif Marei, president of the Islamic and Arab Community Service Office in Chicago 's Albany Park neighborhood. "It is time for us to let them know who we are." Muslim and Arab leaders have had to quell concerns within the community that personal information relayed on the census may be used to track people as part of anti-terrorism measures.
“ለቅዱሳን የተሰጠችውንም ሃይማኖት ትጋደሉላት ዘንድ እማልዳችኋለሁ፡፡ (ይሁዳ ቁጥር 3) … Contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 3)